
This site is the cat’s pajamas


School-Life.. Teenage shit

they give us examinations
no time for explorations
of reality, they show a misrepresentation
of a world full of endless destinations

they abbreviate it, and its problems
depicting a world with no complications
with only solutions to maths equations
and when they decide it should be summarised
into a single addition exercise

they compress, our eyes
that could see the worlds beauty
fill us, with lies
that they speak daily

I’m sorry…
but while i completely see the need for education,
why does it need to be done like stifling starvation
replacing our sensations with facts and figures
words and numbers, fill our bodies
and the small print lingers

And then they can give us no space for self-realisation
only space for their fucking generalisations
….generalisations are of a world that should never be generalised
